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Immigration Agent: Best Communication Strategies


Effective Communication

Introduction to Communication

Communication is an art, Agents or leaders when initiate a communication to get a message across the audience. The core success of the message depends on the ability to effectively communicate.

Activity A Leader’s Successful Communication

I was working in a company as an Assistant Manager Operations. The organization was manufacturing and selling tech equipment focused for tourist service providers within #Australia. There was a significant project running within the company to create a specific solution. The solution was for installation of #Artificial_Intelligent equipment. The equipment is installed to meet the expected efficiency in service-based companies.

The equipment will assist company to become efficient in their energy management plus reduce their operative expenses. However, there was a situation during the project where we were facing a problem as #project was behind schedule. Hence the natural response was to question the team. The problem identification produces best results when interactive discussion take place between all the stakeholders. It also facilitates to strategies and address the problem quickly. As leaders were communicating the crises control plan. The primary element of the plan was demanding change in some business practices. The changes were significant which lead towards implementation of extensive change management.

It is also known, when a significant change is undertaken it definitely ruffles many feathers. Similarly, This specific change created a lot of resistance. The message focused around improvements that will ensure success to the project. It was in favour of all the stakeholders, but due to miscommunication stakeholers lacked understanding. Many employees remain apprehensive of the situation and never actually understood the purpose of change. They always thought that this was a targeted attack. They also blamed the organisation fro trying to portray them as incompetent and lacking skills at performing job. 

Connect Rather than Preach

The reason I feel the issue aggravated was due to the communication of the leaders. I was directly part of it and had experienced it closely. The communication was more focused and targeted on the personal traits of people within the project team. The communication was not focusing on the problem. Moreover, it was lacking the spirit to actually take measures to dissect the problem. The communication was failing to motivate employees to embrace the change. The process was not involving and employees couldn’t connect to realise the implementation of new equipment will make things easier.

The body language of the leader was sending negative aura towards employees implying that they are incompetent. Furthermore, written communication was too strong without compassion or recognition of efforts that employees where making to deliver performance. There was no empathy in communication hence, leaders weren’t able to formulate relationships and failed to actually make a difference. The communication was continuously one way. Since the team member weren’t involved, the environment during the change management process was very congested. The process of change implementation was not effective for producing right results. 

Activity B: Successful Agent Client Communication

Building Rapport with Client 

In my opinion, #empathy is critical in building a rapport with the client. It is very important to understand what client has to say before actually trying to intervene. After understanding what client needs advice must be within their processes and should cover complete scope. Secondly, when empathising it is also critical. As it is primary trait to understand their cultural background as time and process of empathy would have to differ for clients from different ethnicities.

When a connection is developed, and agent understands the problem it is the time to draw out a plan. The plan must detail on how the agent will proceed. The plan would show them a systematic way to reach their solution rather than looking for an immediate remedy. In this process the agent must treat client with utmost respect. Even if a client fails to understand agents cannot resort to ridicule, at any point for not knowing or being unable to understand even simple facts. Make full disclosure and never make false promises just to gain any financial benefit out of client. The core focus must be to deliver client the agree value against the service charges. 

A Non-Talkative Client 

In my opinion, a non_talkative client is difficult but when faced with a client who won’t talk it is best to focus on the body language. The body language informs their posture, expressions, breathing, and tone would say a lot. Hence, using the information gathered via body language would translate into leading questions that would initiate a communication.

A Talkative Client 

They are here is to take control of the communication process. Agents should ask such clients direct questions so that they can provide precise answers. When communication goes off the track it is best to politely redirect the communication on the topic. This is done by informing client they have to stay focused for delivering them the best value. Listen carefully, to ensure there is no need to repeat questions or ask leading questions. 

Attitudes and Behaviours to Avoid

Agents should avoid talking too fast and using complex language. Moreover, agent should avoid assuming that the client has understood. Assuming understanding of what they have said is disastrous hence should try to ensure client has full understanding. When a client is angry at department of Home affairs or their own situation an agent must avoid 

When a client is angry with an Agent 

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