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The HR department plays a major role in the Health sector; a case study of KRL for Mental Health Hospital in Mirpur – Azad Kashmir

1. Introduction

Human resource management system refers towards philosophy or policy which can impact the performance of individuals in an organization. Effective and competent human resource is considered as the strength of the organization which enables businesses in facing challenging situations. Successful organizations have recognized the importance and need of managing human resources (Mondy and Martocchio, 2015). They emphasize on development of their human resource as human resource satisfaction, commitment and motivation enable the company to achieve high performance and accomplish desired objectives.  The effective human resource of an organization contributes to the achievement of sustainable development for the institute. Health care organizations are an imperative part of every country which plays a critical role in saving lives. The human resource department is a sensitive part of health care organizations as they perform a vital role in delivering efficient and quality health care services (Storey, 2014). A well-managed and satisfied human resource department contributes significantly to achieving global health standards. However, many challenges exist in managing human resources which includes both internal and external issues. Furthermore, a human resource manager identifies and mitigates such challenges through adopting different effective strategies. The present study will be conducted for discussing the role of the human resource department in enhancing efficiencies of health care services in the context of the KRL complex for mental health in Mirpur Azad Kashmir. Furthermore, the study also focuses on satisfaction and commitment of human resources which contribute to achieving success for health care centers.

1.1 Background of the study

Despite rising health care issues in Mirpur Azad Kashmir, no significant attention has been paid to managing and enhancing efficiencies of the human resource department of health care centres. Health care centres get directly impacted due to efficiencies and inefficiencies of the human resource department. Efficiencies in the HR department can contribute to regulating the performances of health care centres. Every country and its government are rapidly investing in strengthening its human resources departments. Every organization has an imperative part of the human resource department which enable businesses to achieve their desired objectives. Both Governmental and private institutes are paying attention to enhancing the efficiencies of their workforce as it ultimately improves their performances.  The present study will be designed in order to identify the role of the human resource department in the health care sector in Mirpur Azad Kashmir.

1.2 Research question

How can human resource department play major role in health care sector in KRL complex for mental health in Mirpur Azad Kashmir?

1.3 Objectives

Major objectives of present study include

  • To identify role of human resource department in health care sectors
  • To examine the impact of human resource efficiencies in KRL complex for mental health care Mirpur Azad Kashmir
  • To identify impact of human resource satisfaction in achieving health sector goals.

2. Literature review  

Human resource departments of the health care sector use to understand their key organizational challenges. Significant roles of human resource departments, the HR departments also play a strategic role by focusing on long-term plans for the institutes (Swayne et al., 2012). The human resource department plays four significant roles for healthcare centers which include a role as a strategic partner,  as an administrative expert who works for bringing improvement in organizational processes,  as an employee who listens and responds to organizational needs, and as a change agent who manages change processes and serves people in health centers. The HR department also delivers value to an organization through fulfilling its all needs and accomplishing objectives (Wilson, 2014). Human resource in health care sectors includes a large number of stakeholders which contain a variety of numerous departments and personnel of government such as civil officers, public service commissioners, treasuries, and educational sectors, professional organizations which contain trade unions, etc and private sector organizations.  Furthermore, while dealing with the challenges or roles of the human resource department in the health care sector, the ministry of the health sector needs to map out all the stakeholders of the health sector. In different counties, health sectors adopt effective ways to improve their HR departments. Outsourcing, transferring, alteration of employees are included ineffective methods which can overcome the inefficiencies of health care sectors. According to Sweis et al (2013), it has also been described that the presence of numerous stakeholders in health care sectors can also reduce the efficiencies of the services (Sweis et al., 2013).

2.1 Impact of HRM in the health sector

Association between the human resource department, its management, and the health care system is complex and very sensitive(Vermeeren et al., 2014). In health sectors, human resource departments emphasize improving their quality of services and achieving patient satisfaction. An effective human resource management system plays an imperative role in investing in the development of employees. Every country contains its own health care sector reforms which vary from country to country. An ineffective human resource management system creates hurdles for the health services in hospitals. Thus, ineffective services by the human resource department could result in high rates of death toll (Bartram and Dowling, 2013).

According to Nica (2013) it has been described that Human resource departments plays most vital role in enhancing the efficiency of health care sector (Nica, 2013). Efficient and well managed workforce adds efficiency, equity, and quality in health care sectors. Efficiency of the processes and procedures could enhance when human resource perform efficiently while integrating quality. Human resource department face several obstacles in attempting and delivering high quality services for their patients. Some of those constraints contain lack of congruence among stake holder’s values, lack of budget, high rate of workforce turnover, low morale of health personnel, and high rate of absenteeism. All of these factors contribute in raising obstacles for human resource in health care sectors (Cooke and Bartram, 2015). Human resource departments in Mirpur Azad Kashmir need to enhance their team work and collaboration system for enhancing the efficiencies of their workforce. Besides, training and development sessions also improve the competencies and skills of work forces in health care sectors. Inter disciplinary teamwork is effective method which can provide better coordination and health services to health care sectors. Thus, effective human resource management is vital key to get successful health care facilities in hospitals (Sohag et al., 2013).

2.2 Challenges impact on human resource satisfaction

Human resource department can increase or decrease the efficiencies of health care sector. Different types of challenges and risks can be faced by health care centres which impact on their performance and quality of services (Bratton and Gold, 2012). As human resource is responsible for provision of care planning system and delivery of services hence, motivation and satisfaction are included in such elements which enhance the capabilities of human resource and improve their quality of services. Furthermore, according to Oliver (2014) it has been identified that there are several issues which can reduce the motivation and satisfaction level of human resource in health care centres (Oliver, 2014). Low pay, poor reward system, poor acknowledgement system, unequal distributions of authority, unhealthy and non-friendly working environment are among those elements which contribute in raising dissatisfaction issue for human resource. Different issues or challenges can be faced by health care centers which include issues in distribution of workforce, ineffectiveness of workforce, less competent staff, workforce training issues, low satisfaction of employees, and migration of health workers etc(Slocum-Gori et al., 2013). Efficiency of human resource in health care sectors can get enhanced through adopting different training and development sessions. Training and educating opportunities can be provided to the human resource which improves their skills and capabilities. Thus, in this way, different issues of health care sector get resolved (Hayes et al., 2012). Leadership also plays a significant role in enhancing the motivation and satisfaction level for employees. While working within health care center, human resource usually get frustrated and stressed out due to work load. Thus in such situations, management or leadership plays essential role (Slocum-Gori et al., 2013). Leader can mitigate stress issue for human resource through their supportive and cooperative attitude. Organizational or health centre climate impact on satisfaction and motivation of the work force. Supportive and cooperative climate of health centers enable human resource department to enhance the efficiency of their health care services (Daft, 2014).

3. Research Methodology

3.1 Research Approach

Methodology is most imperative part which help researcher in identifying answers for his research questions. In current study mixed method approach will be adopted by the researcher. Mixed method approach includes combination of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies (Garner and Scott, 2013). It enables researcher to get comprehensive form of data which contains both quality and quantity. Quantitative research method is a type of research which focuses on quantity rather than quality. It helps researcher to gather large amount of data within minimum limit of time. Furthermore, in present study, quantitative research source i.e. questionnaires will be used in order to gather the data from KRL complex for mental health in Mirpur Azad Kashmir. While on the other hand, the second approach used in mixed method approach is qualitative (Smith, 2015). Qualitative method will be used for supporting the data gathered from quantitative research approach. It provides subjective form of data whereas; quantitative research approach provides objective type of data. Moreover, another major difference between quantitative and qualitative research approach is that, data gathered from quantitative research method is easy to analyse as compare to data gathered from qualitative research approach. In addition, quantitative research approach is considered as more generalized approach as it gather data from large number of population (Zikmund et al., 2012). Hence, after identifying the advantages of mixed method approach the present study will be conducted while incorporating two phases of data collection i.e. phase one of quantitative data collection and analysis and phase two contains qualitative data collection and analysis.

3.2 Sample size

Sample size includes specific number of people selected from targeted population. In present study 40 respondents will be selected from KRL complex for mental health in Mirpur Azad Kashmir in order to investigate them regarding their role of human resource department in health care sector.

3.3 Data collection

Data collection is the procedure through which researcher gather data from respondents in order to identify answers for its research objectives. In present study two data collection sources will be user i.e. primary and secondary data collection sources. Different sources will be used in gathering data from primary and secondary methods such as for gathering primary data, interviews, observations and questionnaire can be used while for gathering secondary data internet, journals, articles, books and reports can be used. In present study, interviews and questionaries both ways will be used for Gathering primary data from respondents however for gathering secondary sources of internet, journals, articles, and reports will be used in order to get detailed and most reliable data.

Process of interviews contains different questions and interviewees are allowed to give their views and arguments in it (Fowler Jr, 2013). The major advantage of interviews is that it provides detailed form of data however it would be difficult to analyse but subjective form enhances the information for respondents. Semi structured interviews will be designed for gathering the data regarding specific topic i.e. major role played by human resource department in health care sector in KRL complex for mental health in Mirpur Azad Kashmir. While on the other hand, questionnaire tool includes a written document which contains variety of questions. It help researcher in gathering subjective form of large amount of data (Bryman and Bell, 2015).

3.4 Data analysis

Data analysis is the most essential part of the research. Data analysis of the qualitative research method will be done through the use of information interpretation and transcription process. All the data gathered through interviews will be separated into categories and then allocated by codes afterwards the codes will be interpreted in order to answer the research questions however data analysis of quantitative research will be done by using statistical analysis tools such as SPSS or MS Excel.


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